Wednesday 4 September 2013

BIG September 2013

Hi Again,

I am going to a Tournament on the 7th of September, that is being run by the Brisbane Independent Gamers (BIG) club. The Tournament is being run by a good friend of mine, Johnathan Petersen, who has been running a large amount of tournaments over the last 3 years. All his tournaments are always well run with a lot of good ideas. This tournament is a 1500 point Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th Edition event that allows 1 special character (I learn't this way too late - that will teach me to read the rules pack in more detail) and currently has 32 players attending. This is the following list that I am taking.

1500 Pts - Warriors of Chaos Roster

1 Daemon Prince of Nurgle, 375 pts (Daemonic Attacks; General; Mark of Nurgle (Daemon); Chaos Armour; Causes Terror; Daemonic Flight; Immune to Psychology; Unbreakable)
1 Sword of Striking
1 Charmed Shield
1 Flaming Breath
1 Scaled Skin (Scaly Skin)

1 Exalted Hero of Nurgle (Battle Standard Bearer), 208 pts (Mark of Nurgle; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard Bearer)
1 Sword of Might
1 Dragonhelm
1 Potion of Toughness
1 Burning Body (Flaming Attacks)

21 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle, 455 pts (Always Strikes Last; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Mark of Nurgle; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Shield)
1 Banner of Swiftness

5 Marauder Horsemen, 90 pts (Musician Mus; Hand Weapon; Javelin; Shield; Fast Cavalry)
5 Warhorse

5 Marauder Horsemen, 90 pts (Musician Mus; Hand Weapon; Javelin; Shield; Fast Cavalry)
5 Warhorse

1 Gorebeast Chariot of Nurgle, 140 pts (Mark of Nurgle; Causes Fear; Chariot; Scythed Wheels)
2 Chaos Charioteer (Hand Weapon; Halberd)
1 Gorebeast

1 Gorebeast Chariot of Nurgle, 140 pts (Mark of Nurgle; Causes Fear; Chariot; Scythed Wheels)
2 Chaos Charioteer (Hand Weapon; Halberd)
1 Gorebeast

My first thoughts were to take a fast hard hitting list, but I couldn't get one working that I liked or couldn't fit in what I wanted to bring with this list. This list, while not fast, hits like a ton of bricks, and has the tools to deal with most issues. 

The Daemon Prince, while also the General, is also the only fast heavy hitter in the list, and it will be hard to not just throw him out into the open. There is the fear that I will play Empire (there are 3 of them coming to the event) and just get cannoned off and then wiped out by his Demi Gryphs (who wouldn't take these). The real test of skill will be keeping this guy alive. I know that If I get this guy into combat, and keep the Warriors and BSB alive, I should win. We will see. My Magic item load out is pretty much what all the net list are running, which I don't like taking, but its the only worth while load out. He has +1 to hit, make him 2+ most of the time. He has 1+ armour save, -1 to hit (Due to Mark of Nurgle) and a +5 Ward save (due to being a Daemon) so he shouldn't die in combat (fingers crossed). The breath weapon is in there for when I need to break a unit whether he charges in on his own or with another unit or finish it off completely. I won't be using it as a shooting attack as it would be a waste in my opinion. 

The BSB and Warriors will be rocking it out togeather, I gave him a magic weapon just incase he came up against some ethereal units, but I also stupidly gave him Burning Body, which gives him flaming attacks, but I forgot until just before that because he has a magic weapon, this will have no affect... Idiot!!! The warriors have great weapons as S6 is better and cheaper than S5 although I do have to strike last. But I should be fine, Being Nurgle again will give the enemy -1 to hit and with there high WS this should minimise most damage incoming. Banner of Swiftness allows the unit to move into combat faster (which is what I need).

The Horsemen are there to kill off any warmachines or against Orc and Goblins those horrible Mangler Squigs. Those things are awful. They can wipe out the warriors in 2 to 3 hits. Don't want them getting to me and the horsemen are a good trade off. 

The Gorebeast Chariots are just brutal, 7 S5 attacks plus D6+1 S5 impact hits with Killing Blow, is just brilliant. And they can take a beating with T6, -1 to hit and 3+ armour save. The only thing is that they are slow. They will probably work in a pair on one flank. 

Main Plan (that will just dissolve as soon as my opponent and I start the game) will be to have the warriors on in the centre, both chariots on one flank, the Daemon Prince on the other and the horsemen around the back (unless there is a threat I need eliminated early/quickly). 

Well that is all for now. Will post up some pictures tonight hopefully. Until then, Cheerio!

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